Bloom's Action Verbs
Concrete verbs such as "identify," "argue," or "construct" are more helpful than vague or passive verbs ("understand" or "know" or "be aware of"), to articulate clear learning goals, and to guide the design of assignments and activities as well as assessment.
Below are examples of action words frequently used for learning objectives.
Knowledge |
Comprehension |
Application |
Analysis |
Synthesis |
Evaluation |
Define |
Classify |
Apply |
Analyze |
Arrange |
Appraise |
Identify |
Describe |
Compute |
Appraise |
Assemble |
Assess |
Indicate |
Discuss |
Construct |
Calculate |
Collect |
Choose |
Know |
Explain |
Demonstrate |
Categorize |
Compose |
Compare |
Label |
Express |
Dramatize |
Compare |
Construct |
Contrast |
List |
Identify |
Employ |
Contrast |
Create |
Decide |
Memorize |
Locate |
Use |
Criticize |
Design |
Estimate |
Name |
Paraphrase |
Illustrate |
Debate |
Formulate |
Evaluate |
Recall |
Recognize |
Interpret |
Determine |
Manage |
Grade |
Record |
Report |
Investigate |
Diagram |
Organize |
Judge |
Relate |
Restate |
Operate |
Differentiate |
Perform |
Measure |
Repeat |
Review |
Organize |
Distinguish |
Plan |
Rate |
Select |
Suggest |
Practice |
Examine |
Prepare |
Revise |
Underline |
Summarize |
Predict |
Experiment |
Produce |
Score |
Tell |
Schedule |
Inspect |
Propose |
Select |
Translate |
Shop |
Inventory |
Set up |
Value |
Sketch |
Question |