When You Get the Blues…

In John 14: 25… Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  The Spirit of Truth will show God to us and will give us peace. 

Many times in life our hearts are troubled and downcast.  I am going to share from the the book, All Things Are Possible Through Prayer  by Charles L. Allen.  In this book, the author explains that there will be periods of life where our soul is downcast and disquieted.  He also gives 3 things we can do when we feel blue:

1.  Never forget that you are important.  No person created in the image of God is useless.  Maybe you have not found the place in life you want most.  But heaven has bestowed on you a personality that noone else can duplicate.  Because of who you are and what you are, you can afford to believe in yourself.  You are easily upset when you lean on other people.  When you learn to balance yourself on your own feet, you develop a stimulating independence.  If God had wanted you to imitate someone else, he would not have made you in the first place. Never let yourself forget that you are a person that God made and wanted at this time.

2.  “Remember you are needed.  There is at least one important work to be done that will not be done unless you do it.  God placed you on this earth to do His will and He has a purpose for you.” 

3.  Hope thou in God. When you believe in God, there is hope and hope chases away the blues. In Matthew 14:23, it tells about Jesus hearing that John his closest friend had been murdered.  Surely it grieved Him.  What did he do?  “He went up into the mountain apart to pray”.  Jesus knew that He needed the strength of the Father to help him.  “When a person has a firm hold on God’s hand, he has the power and strength flowing into him to keep him on his feet. ”  Just like a magnetic force, when we are out of line with the Almighty, we have no strength and we lose our grip.  We come discouraged and frustrated.  But when we come before the Father and our lives are lined up with him, He gives us the strength to hold on, grasp Him and conquer life through Him. 

When we set ourselves apart and spend time in prayer, God will give us strength and the Spirit of Truth will bring us peace beyond our imagination.  The Spirit of Truth will take away our frustrations and discouragement and replace it with peace and joy.  We must allow Him access to our heart and our emotions.  The Spirit of Truth will guide us and show Himself to us that we may see the glory of the Father and gain strength from Him alone. 

May we see God today and gain strength from him.  May he help drive away our blues today and bestow on us His power and strength to be used by Him today. 

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